A Place at the Table: African Americans on the Path to Sainthood (movie watch)


Location: Coleman-Morse Center, first floor lounge (View on map.nd.edu)

There are no African-American Saints formally recognized within the Catholic Church but that could soon change. Six incredible Black men and women are currently on the path to Canonization. The Catholic Church is starting to recognize their impact and may soon name any or all of them Saints. It's time to hear their stories! 

Campus Ministry will host a movie watch of, "A Place at the Table: African Americans on the Path to Sainthood" on Thursday, Nov. 10 from 5:30-8:00 p.m. in the Coleman-Morse lounge. Finger foods will be provided, and a brief time for discussion will follow to share reactions to the movie.

Originally published at campusministry.nd.edu.