Healthy Relationships in Tight Quarters: Living with Family as a Young Adult


Location: Zoom

One unexpected development of the recent health crisis has been the sudden relocation of many young adults, especially college students, back home with parents or other family members. While there can be many advantages to having the support of family in these uncertain times, it can also be challenging to be living in such close quarters. Typically, young adults seek more independence at this age. Parents may also be expecting to be less “hands on” in their parental roles. This program/discussion aims to provide a space to explore how best to create and communicate healthy boundaries in the family characterized by compassion, respect and understanding.

Staff from Campus Ministry and the University Counseling Center will share information and facilitate discussion on this important topic.

Date: Wednesday, June 10th, 7 – 8 p.m. EDT

Please sign up HERE by Wednesday, June 10th at 12 noon to gain access to the Zoom meeting link.

Originally published at